5. Preorders - Seriously guys, I don't want to preorder the game as soon as its freaking announced. I'm pretty sure you won't run out of copies considering we live in the 20th century were we don't hand make these games in the back of the shop. If its a highly anticipated game I'm pretty sure the video game companies will produce enough for everyone. And if not, I can just walk across the street to the local Walmart to pick up a copy. So there we go douche!
( The funny thing is I actually accused one of the Gamestop employees of not preordering any games, and he actually showed me his "gamestop account" where he had every new game preordered. Yeah!? Just proves hes a bigger tool than I thought!!! )
4. Douchebag Vibe- As soon as you enter the store don't you feel the weird doucheness in the air? Yes its there BO and body sweat. I'm just kidding about that one. But they are what I like to call "Wannabe Douche" Its when they try to hard to be a douche bags that just makes them look like complete idiots. Every time a girl walks in they automatically drop what there doing and go help the lady out. Sounds polite? Well its not its pretty pathetic to me........ Ha!
3. DLC - They seriously find DLC to be the coolest thing around. "Woah Bruh, new DLC makes my gun change colorssss!!!!" NO! Its not cool "bruh"! I'd rather get a 20 dollar gift card for purchasing the game at Walmart than preorder it and Gamestop and get some shitty DLC......... "But Bruh! its a once in a life time!" Will "bruh" Im probably going to only play the game a month in my lifetime! .....Ha!
2.PC Games - Seriously Pc gaming isn't dead yet, so why do you pretend it is! And why is it you must open every Pc box and take out the disc and leave every product key showing. Do you take the disc lick it and put it on your shelf to remove the scratches? STOP LICKING MY PC GAMES!!!!!!!! And just leave them in the box please!
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