Zynga has entered into a brief cross-promotion with Paramount to publicize the studios upcoming film Morning Glory, staring Rachel McAdams.
The promotion is actually fairly in-depth, considering the prize of just 1 Cafe Cash, and asks Cafe World users to watch a trailer for the movie, along with answering a few survey questions about your own priorities in terms of your career or job performance. They're light-hearted questions that can be answered in any way you see fit - whether truthfully or not!
After that, you'll need to enter your zip code so that a new window can pop-up to alert you of movie times for Morning Glory, and after that, you'll have to answer one last question about who you would take with you to see the movie.
Once you've completed that final step, you'll earn a whopping 1 Cafe Cash. No, it's not a lot, and it does seem like Zynga is making you jump through a lot of hoops just for a single Cafe Cash, but it's free, so I guess we can't complain.
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